Players you most hate to get froze by

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{ESC}Doc Gavage
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It used to be be zerocool because of our local rivalry but since he does not play much anymore it is probably sf2YAHOOse ,the other day i was losing about 0-10 to him on a personnel score i just could not get a freeze on him until about 4 maps later and it was driving me up the wall.No offence because he is a very good player.

and of couse it goes without saying MIKEY. lol

:chaingun: :chaingun: :chaingun: :chaingun: :chaingun: :chaingun: :chaingun: :chaingun: :chaingun: :chaingun: :chaingun:

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Yes yahoo is my big one,, but if BlindViper is on then he is number one for me!!hehehehe
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Doc ! Just hate it when you freeze me ! And since it happens quite all the time...

Snow is a nasty one as well, I got to say...! :boom:
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hehehe and my nemesis is a little fluffy white furrball named {ESC}bunny! :)

*** EDIT ***

I just saw i missread the topic, i thought it was who had frozen you the most, wich is Bunny. I really dont hate anyone since i dont get frozen that often! HAHAHAHAHA! j/k

*** EDIT 2 ***

Tho when i do get frozen i stay like an icecube quite long since i have a tedency to go where the rest aint following! :mrgreen:
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for me its "everyone"

:Gleedox: :36_11_23:
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That's not always true Yahoo, because when you get to those spots it's to thaw me. lol
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Tho when i do get frozen i stay like an icecube quite long since i have a tedency to go where the rest aint following! :mrgreen:[/quote]

we call that the JAX syndrome!!!!!hahahahaha
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I hate to get frozen by anyone! LOL But if I had to pick, it would be yahoo. Can't seem to get my bead on that sucker before he's already frozen me! Speed and reflex of a dang cat! Change your name to cat, Yahoo! But then, there's Lager and his stealthy approaches, Chief and his post freeze taunts on TS (which I do enjoy), and then there's Gothic...oh Gothic Gothic Gothic. Her daddy owns a grenade factory. I don't see her most of the time when she freezes me. Just a cold, anonymous KABOOM! Willhois...another cat. My bullets seem to warp around him. All I know is if these maniacs are all on one opposing team, I best sit out till the next map. I know there are other great players whom I haven't named, but these are the most consistent bringers of my agony.
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When you get frozen as often as I do, by as many people as I do, it no longer matters. I enjoy seeing the world through a red or blue haze, apparently. But if I had to say, Yahoo will have me shot before I can even think about pulling the trigger. That is annoying. But so is Lager when I get the jump on him and then it doesn't freeze him and he turns around and gets me.
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True Dat Thumper. lol

Although I find it quite an honor to be frozen by gothic. cause usually its two others beside me that got exploded by the same nade. :party:
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