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{esc}ScRiPt3r wrote:i just wanna know how he gets the credit for my post??


I, bunny, recognize Scripter, as the sole proprietor of this post and all thunder owned therein, under common-right humor practice legislation(s) code u.n.i-69, provided by the United States of America. All proceeds and/or gains in bafoonery may not be accredited without written authorization from the sole proprietor, Scripter. Laws stated above are effectual only within the United States, Puerto Rico, European Union, Soviet Republic, the whole of Asia including North Korea, the entire continent of Africa, South America, Australia, North and South poles. Please disregard if applied in Canada.

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i'm a gonna get you bunny lol

:) :) :) :) :)
remember: It's ALL good.
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:) :) :) :) :)
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Hey Scripter :xxxx_spank: :spank: :censored: :censored: LOL
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