ESC vs 8th Clan - ESC wins 3-1

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It was a tough series of matches with lag being the major problem. We played at their server - and due to lag we had an average of one to two more players - but triumphed. P!mp had an average lag over 300 most games.

Congrats 8th clan for a great fight...we'll have to find a neutral server where all pings are equal!
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WOW great job!!
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nice nice :coolehh:
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Hard to find a neutral server between the US and Europe. Your server #2 would be more equal than mine as your pings was way higher than i anticipated. I wonder how I'm getting 255 in ping to my own server when I VPN through a server in Michigan... Thats back and forth and your median ping was around that.

Anyways. The lag you felt was not ping related. It was the Hitch Warnings of 500ms that showed up in the server console for each freeze that happened. If not for that you would'nt have felt the lag, just as we don't feel the lag on your main server. The stuttering was because of the hitch warnings. I tried the Open Warfare version of the freezetag and it did not give any hitch warnings so I suppose it must be some bad coding in the g13 freeze mod that suddenly eats unnecessary CPU cycles? I have PM'd Lager to see if he has experienced it before and know of a fix.

Maybe you should get more admins for server 1 and 2? That way you do not have to call around when doing a quick scrim.
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even with the lag and such, i still enjoyed the rumble and wanted to say thanks to all the 8th peeps that were there.

looking forward to the next one!

:fyeah: :yahoo:
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Looks like you all had FUN! ... And thats all that matters :bravo:
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good job :)
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sorry I could not make it , was installing carpet and painting aughters bedroom!!LOLOL I wanted to shoot someone by the time we were done!!LOLOL
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