Confession I am guilty

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Confession I am guilty

There are times when I don’t even try to stop the other team from unfreezing there team mates.

If I really like a map I don’t want it to be over to quick :stfu: .
I admit sometimes my goal is not to win the game but to just have fun :chaingun: .
I am thankful for people like (S4C)Ping – Dave because he reminds :fight me when to rush forward.
Am I the only one who struggles with this?
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HAHAHA ... I am right there with you, DOC - I am also just here to have some fun :ebiggrin: :iagree:
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its Double tap Tool, not Doc,,hahahahahaha
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{ESC}BlackRose wrote:its Double tap Tool, not Doc,,hahahahahaha

rose.......tool has some trouble --> :ice: he couldnt say Double tap, he said in short doc hahaa :yahoo:
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We all have our favorite maps and fun is the real purpose. I too appreciate PING reminding us to thaw and/or rush.
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I do it to Tap some maps I don't want to end.

And I think Ping keeps a lot of us in check and at least reminds me it's only a game "No Worrys"

Thanks Ping
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I only have trouble rushing when it's strongly suggested we do so and the whole team gets wiped out from our pver aggressiveness and not paying attention to thawing others. I've learned to hold back a bit and thaw as many as I can until they find me - my kill ratio suffers but I like to think I help the team last a bit longer. 'sides, my P-90 stays cleaner!
:) :)
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Fun is the name of the Game ... I too like looking around the maps and watching others play, It usually ends up with me getting shot which is fun too.
If you are not dieing you are not playing
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