left 4 dead

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which one do you have

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anyone have or still play left for dead
Last edited by Admin on Tue Aug 31, 2010 1:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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:36_11_23: cant it both?

Last edited by {ESC}Master on Tue Aug 31, 2010 3:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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*I have both L4D1 and L4D2
*I frequently still play about once a week
*Would be open in getting some ESC people into playing it
*Lets create a L4D TS room soon
*Several of us including Irish, Chevy and Bori played together several nights a week
*Brother Bunny mentioned a few weeks ago that he has the game too
*The game is a freaking blast when playing with 4- of your friends
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i can get the first one for 10 bucks but was told the second one is better, but some ppl say its not worthi t,,kinda like the bfbc2 thing!
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Ive played both but only cracked versions ill be getting L4D soon. I have resident evil 5, dead space and killing floor so didnt really get L4D but i think i will.
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I have both but only have L4D2 installed at the moment. They're both excellent games. If you have a team of 4 of you who know how to work as a team there's nothing else like it. And if you manage to get a 4v4 going where you all know each other? Oh my word... so much fun

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l4d2 can be considered better than first part only in case you like bashing enemies with afrying pan, and chopping them with a saw or fireaxe. plus, they added some model dismemberment (chopping arms, heads, blabla). i'll personally stick with l4d and my fav char Louis.
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I have L4d2 and I've actually played with Treetah a couple of times. We wished there were more people from ESC to play but now looking at this post, we know who to ask!
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Lets get it on !!! ESC against the "ZOMBIE" Apocalypse .... :fyeah:

Can we get a TS room created for L4D ? If so, maybe some of you might want to play for a bit tonight :yahoo:
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ok i added a vote, please choose
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