Ello Everyone

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I'm gonna try and be creative with this hello so here it goes: :rantonoff:

:hello: ESC community, :Hfriday: (almost, actually its Thursday) and I'm gonna :spam: my introduction to you guys and try not to have a :th_blondmoment: doing so. I've played in the cod 4 freezetag server for about a month( i think) and have really enjoyed both the :cheers: and :banghead: moments. Although some times it might be frustrating it is always :sit (fun) because I'm playing a game I love with a great mod community called the Elite Sniper Corps :1010: I can come off as being a little competitive sometimes due to my background of sports and having an older brother but hey :3rd: isn't so bad. I've kinda gotten off topic since this is an introduction thread so :doh:. My name is Matt and I'm 19 years old. I'm a student at benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas. I enjoy :party: , :chaingun: (games) and watching youtube and other online videos so I can :coffee_spray: , :) , I ALSO THOUGHT I WOULD THROW THIS IN SO PEOPLE WOULD LOOK AT IT INSTEAD OF TRYING TO DECRYPT MY POST :bounce: (did it work???) . I would like to thank everyone because the ESC community(both in the clan and others who just play in the servers) is :ok: in my book and I look forward to receiving a response on my application. I guess this is it and I look forward to :boom: you and getting :boom: by you in the servers some more while we have :party: (fun).

Baal out
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{ESC}Doc Gavage
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Hi bal

hope you enjoy it here

Last edited by {ESC}Doc Gavage on Thu Jan 27, 2011 3:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Dont mess withe the best because the best don't mess

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Thanks for putting in your application. While it is being reviewed you might want to play in our servers and jump into our teamspeak as often as you can so we can get to know you.
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welcome and look forward to killin u and as Irish said jump in Teamspeak are ip is ts41.gameservers.com port 9004 but i will warn u now there will be some cursing going on as it is not censored and good luck with ur app and school
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Welcome an hope to meet you soon yea!
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Welcome to our home!!!
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