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Just thought I'd drop in an introduce myself, been playing on your FT server the last couple of nights and thoroughly enjoyed myself even though I'm a bit rusty and keep on pressing the wrong keys.
A friend of mine got me interested in playing FT here and it's been too many years since I've played it.
From what I've seen of your server you play a nice clean game , have interesting maps and are a nice group to play with.
I'm a senior citizen and get a few senior moments so don't get upset if I'm running around in circles instead of thawing you blokes out.
Which brings up a question, last night I was kicked by punk buster for zero minutes, something about having an unauthorised driver or words to that effect - any idea what that is about.
I play the game using Windows XP on a Mac don't know if that might have something to do with it .
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Many things can cause this from xfire to certain firewalls at times. Update pb and try again! Glad you like the server. :fyeah:
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Hello and welcome. :)
"I have all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire." - WC
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"Hello gents?" The man has courage. A lot of nice people here. Some are nice women. Some are not. :hugs:
Welcome to the servers daleslad.
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YAY, another senior citizen - now I have company! Perhaps I'm no longer the oldest member? :)
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don't worry pappy, you'll always be the patriarch of this clan to me

and hello dales

the punkbuster thing to which you refer... i get that quite often, and when it boots me, i check what else i have running, and usually it is the steam program that i have to kill off, once i kill it, i just rejoin the server, and all is well

:forum reading:
remember: It's ALL good.
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Hey DAle great playing with you on the server,,now we know your not some little kid,,we will watch how we shoot you!!LOLOLOL
At least half our clan is over 40 ,,so come on in and have some fun!!LOL

oh yes and there are about 6 of us WOMEN!!LOLOL I guess if I dont count KV!!LOLOL
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