To release the tension....

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ESC needs a good dose of some sensitive nips sessions. Let me introduce Bob, the pleasure coach.
...may i suggest the anal cranial?

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Jesus Bunny, You Really Need To Get Out Of The House More Often!
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sounds like Irish could use the full package.
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wow bunny. :xxxx_spank: :xxxx_spank: I was a little afraid to open this post...... :hello: :hello:

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Nasty...Nothing more to add then that...just nasty...
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oh my LORD!!!!!

thats just dang funny!!!!
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Nothing else to say really but, WOW and that I am a little freaked out right now
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When do i get my turn? i need some Tension released... :coffee_spray:
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Not sure Bunny needs to get out of the house more - I think he needs to quit bringing these people home with him!
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OMG!!! WTF was bunny searching for when he found this????? :shock: :shock: :shock:
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