MW3 trucks attacked

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Double robbery of trucks transporting 'Modern Warfare 3' games

Two trucks in charge of the delivery of Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 3, the latest episode of the successful Activision franchise released this Tuesday, have been held up in the parisian region during the weekend, according to Le Parisien (newspaper). The two vehicles have been robbed Saturday early morning, after they left the Micromania distribution platforms in Bonneuil.

A first truck was robbed Saturday at 7.30am in Créteil, by several individuals who first crashed into the vehicle with a car, then attacked the drivers with tear-gases. One hour later, a second truck has been attacked in Mantes-la-Jolie. Blocked by a car, the truck drivers had to surrender their vehicle under the threat of a firearm.

Each truck contained several thousands of copies of the game, which should be one of the best sellers of the end of the year. The total loot is estimated at 780 000 euros.

... See what happens when Frenchies get shot too much on CoD, they hit back at truck drivers!
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The robbers still have to pay a extra $150 per game for map packs. LOL

:) :) :) :) :)
:willynilly: :bravo: :doh:
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Lol! maddness. My brothers college roommate is a developer for Activision and did environment work on MW3. I will have to send him this article if he not seen it.
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{ESC}Double_Tap wrote:The robbers still have to pay a extra $150 per game for map packs. LOL

:) :) :) :) :)
:willynilly: :bravo: :doh:
OMG :coffee_spray:
UT99 GOTY Download (454 MB) 436 patch included.. ...

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Doesn't bother me.......I'm not buying this one! These probably weren't for PC's anyway.
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Ow no, now activision will go broke :doh: :doh:
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They should take a copy for themselves and then burn the rest on activisions doorstep.
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set them all on fire.
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{ESC}UDClown wrote:They should take a copy for themselves and then burn the rest on activisions doorstep.

remember: It's ALL good.
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Oh great! :doh: Now Irish (BigHead) will try and do this in Buffalo NY. He will try and distract the truck driver by wearing tight shorts with a super tight t-shirt with a little knot on the side that says "I Love Cream Cheese" :)
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