Hey from long time friend LIL_BAD_BOT

Talk about anything you want here.
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Hey everyone,
So to fill everyone in on how my life has been. I'm now 21 years old. I have my own house. I am a Assistant Manager as Arbys. I've been playing with alot of you over the years and as you all probably know [PSI] is no more. Well 2 weeks before they closed the website i decided to resign my tags from [PSI]. I was 8 years old when i started on UT99 and played it until UT2004. Then i went to COD4 when UT2004 died out. Been there pretty much every since i have Black Ops, MW2, Battlefield Bad Company 2, Crisis, and if people still play it i will go get UT2004 and install it. I'm going to start playing more on {ESC} freezetag server and i'd like to eventually join {ESC}. Time tells all storys so ill see you all on the server!

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It's great to see you here bud. I actually made a post in our members only section about how I'm sorry to see PSI go away.
It's the end of a era.

Your always welcome to play on our servers as I'm sure you know (just don't beat me up too much..lol).

I'm glad to hear your doing well and I hope BBB is doing good too.

UT2004 is not our focus anymore as you know but we do have a server running and just about every month we host a event and kick it old school!!! OWNAGE!!!! LOL!!!!

Joining {ESC}....well you know a lot us came from PSI so you probably know enough peeps already so you will feel comfortable and you will get to meet some really great new friends.

I can't believe your all grown up now and have a house.........I feel sooooooo old!!

Cheers :cheers:
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Well I'm sure know over 30+ members of {ESC}. I've surely been around for a very long time playing on {ESC} servers for years off and on. I'm going to bed but forreal i miss talking and bullshitting with ppl. I'll install teamspeak and everything i'f you would can you get me a link to a download ill do it tomorrow when i wake up and play later that night. thats if i dont open saturday morning lol. im not sure yet but ill for sure get on teamspeak and get a good headset. Thanks for the warm welcome Lager!

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OMG yes now i feel old!!!!lololol been a long time!!!

will be good to hear you on ts,,,,cheap headsets work just as well!!!
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,cheap headsets work just as well!!![/quote]

Yes they do and they make your voice sound really cool haha.

I've been playing COD since I was like 10 so we're pretty close in that regard. See ya in game man if I ever get time to come on.
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yea SHox get in so i can shoot your ass!!!lolol
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Hello LBB oops Stricken

Glad you enjoy play here ... Hope to see you in UT2004
If you are not dieing you are not playing
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lil ron!!

sup bud?
geesh how time flies. nice to see your doing well. see ya in game . . . cant wait to shoot ya :mrgreen:
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