Admins, Can I fly?

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Hello Admins,

I was thinking about making a COD4 Freeze tag music video of the ESC server. Is there any way one night someone could enable me to move freely around the map in spectator mode to record people killing each other? Being able to follow players and fly around freely would make it way better.
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I am not an admin, but I reckon this courtesy will most likely not be extended to anyone on the servers. And by anyone I meen anyone, I reckon even a member would not get the rights to do this. But like I said, I am not an admin so can't give you certainty
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no we cant do that sorry. You would have to use your self running around
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If I am not mistaken, giving you the ability to fly would mean we'd give you Admin rights on the server admin for that time. Which, for obvious security reasons, we cannot do.
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