not been around much

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Hey all sorry not been around much,no one as upset me in any way and im missing your server and the fun.i have been on for an hour here and there but not much time at all.had a few death's in the family to cope with so a little hard for me at the moment to game.anyway ive come on to wish you all the best for christmas and i will see you all in the new year,take care for now and i will see you all soon.
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Sorry to hear that Hudson..

But nice of you to drop by and tell us you are OK, i missed you in the server lately..

You have a Good Christmas too , and a HAPPY new year in advance.

take care bud
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Sorry to hear of your family's loss Hudson! We all know real life comes what you need to,we'll be here when your're able to come back
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Sorry for your lose,miss you and take care of yourself and your family! We will be here when you get back!
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My condolances for your loss. Best whishes to you in these hard times and I hope to see you return soon.
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Sorry about your losses Hudson... We'll be here waiting for you , when you have gone through those hard times... Wish you the best.
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Sorry for your losses Sir, and i wish you find the peace in your day by day.

and we going to be here when you come back to have more fun sir
By Yomama
" it means you have touched someone enough to be in there thoughts even when you arnt around"
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Sorry to hear about your Losses, Hudson

We'll see you when you come back.
If you are not dieing you are not playing
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