Micro Stuttering in COD4

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So ever since I bought this laptop (ASUS G74Sx A1) I have been very pleased with the performance I get from it, But I cant seam to escape this microstutter I get while playing COD4. Now every other game runs flawlessly with no stuttering or lagging and I am talking about BF3 on high at 1080p runs perfect and so does Bo2 and Skyrim but for some reason I get the worst Micro Stuttering when playing Cod 4 and for some reason it happens all the time on custom maps but not nearly as much on stock maps, So I though it was at first my CPU turbo boosting on and off for when the pc needs it so I got throttle stop and for a few minutes I thought it was working until it happend again so I ruled that out, then I though it was my internet so I plugged in the lan cable and it still happens and I have a 50mb Down and 50Mb up and yes I tried different cables, so then I tried to run the game in compatibility mode for windows xp and still no luck, So I got tired of windows 8 and installed windows 7 x64 thinking it was the main cause, and nope it still happens and I think it is getting worse actually, now I have googled and googled and googled to see if anyone else had this problem with the same laptop or even the same GPU the GTX560m 2gb and I cant find anything so I think I am the only one with this problem or at least the only one persistent enough to actually try to fix micro stuttering in a 6 year old game. But please guys I need help I cant fix this for the life of me and it makes it really hard to play cod4 the way I like to play which is run and gun, I grow very tired of sitting in the same place for long periods of time just to play without that annoying stuttering which happens only in certain spots of the map and random spots of the map I have noticed even spots that really have nothing special in the map its like there is a black hole or something and everytime I look at it I get stuttering and that stuttering doesnt go away until I look away from that specific spot! So please if anyone has any tips advice or anything please just help me out I am getting really sick of not being able to play a game I enjoy so much!

Thank you for taking the time out to read this even if you cant help!
I'am Ergo Proxy and I'am the agent of death
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It is probably the hack you are running. :)
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I have been having a similar problem. I have also noted a large drop in my fps (from 125 to 35/45) whe4n it happens.
If you find a fix, please let me know.


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I remember telling you to run another game in the background seeming to work, does it still work? And it's just when you look at the spots right? not when there are explosions or shooting going on (or any sound for that matter)? try a lower resolution? have you tried taking a laser to your eye so it can be normal and not have a higher 'fps' than the game?
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i have noticed this on my windows 8 rig. i run an nvidia gtx 560ti. i think its a driver problem since i dont think it happened in the beginning.
occasionally my fps will shit the bed and go red, pressing the windows key twice fixes it. (tabbing out then back in).
regarding the custom map issue, some of the maps we have been playing are just plain laggy, nothing you can do about that.
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I have no clue why its happening because when I had my desktop with the 550ti it ran perfect even on the custom maps! even with windows 7 it still doing it, I am starting to think it might just be the laptop graphics card isnt fully supported for COD 4 that is the only logical explanation I think come up with. and no clown like I told you it started happening again even when I run multiple programs at once and it also doesnt matter what graphical setting I put it on I can put it on the lowest possible setting and it still happens. I guess ill keep trying to find a fix, oh an I dont think its the driver issues because I installed 3 different version from 310 to 314 and it didnt help actually installing 310 made the game completely unplayable my fps would max out at 30, I even tried disabling the hyper thread of my I7 and that didnt even work. Im stuck in this annoying hole I cant get out of. :(
I'am Ergo Proxy and I'am the agent of death
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I think punkbuster and 4D1 folks got together and made a "mistake" that's been causing players to go out and buy Windows 8. When that doesn't work right they revert back to Windows XP which we all know by now isn't supported by 4D1 folks. Some of us have recently gone through MW2 withdrawals by not being able to play - and when we do get to play on our server, we lag so bad, the person who shoots you got shot and has respawned again twice. We've had people throw a nade, get killed then when they respawned, the nade they threw killed them again! Last night Mechanic made a shot with his noob tube only to watch the bullet go back inside the gun due to lag! But we're having some kind o' fun!! I also think I don't know what the hell I'm talking about but I was - in the mood to reply! In other words Ergo, I have no clue either......

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Thanks for the rant Pappy ^___^ at least it game me a laugh.. LOL
I'am Ergo Proxy and I'am the agent of death
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