ESC vs Regulars

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We'll have to do it on another server though. Just advertise it on the server through the bot 2-4 weeks before hand.
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wow. these aren't your typical "regulars"

Head Irregular
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:fyeah: I'm there. Just let me know when. :yahoo: :club1: :cheers: b-boobs
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Currently I am in an exam-week, so it wont be for another week that planning starts
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Purchasing my 3rd copy of COD4, this weekend (6/14) { ESC} Bas...Count me in on the 'Slaying of the Innocents'!!! New PC for me....A whole lot of 'death', for 'regulars'. :fight1: :fight1: :fight1: :fight1: :fight1: :fight1: :fight1: :fight1: :fight1: :fight1: :fight1: :fyeah:
"You can run, but you'll only die tired."
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i'm definitely not getting cocky with this one. we have some pretty bad ass regulars.
lately i can only play if i'm basically stationary, i live in the same state as our server but my ping is double what it used to be. i did a route trace and it has me going all over gods creation. i was hoping some internet routers would have been reset by now and it would go back to normal but its been months.
sucks getting shot after you round a corner only to have the server pull the rubber band around your waist and stick you back out in the open, in an ice cube.
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cant wait this should be lots of fun I been brushing up on some deagle skills knife skills and well im sure everyone here knows i love the G3 already...

BAS I am coming for you and your little ROSE too :lol: :lol: :lol:

:D :D :D :D

zeno you have a good shot i hope your interenet connection gets fixed i remember when I had to spend weeks fighting with my interenet provider to fix my connection as I was loosing packets but they finally did and I moved how ironic :lol: :lol: :lol: :)
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Legolas wrote:cant wait this should be lots of fun I been brushing up on some deagle skills knife skills and well im sure everyone here knows i love the G3 already...

BAS I am coming for you and your little ROSE too :lol: :lol: :lol:

:D :D :D :D

zeno you have a good shot i hope your interenet connection gets fixed i remember when I had to spend weeks fighting with my interenet provider to fix my connection as I was loosing packets but they finally did and I moved how ironic :lol: :lol: :lol: :)

I don't wanna hear it you bastard! :P
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I´m in! BAS PM me plse when it´s getting concrete
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use the force young Skywalker :?: oops sorry wrong forum :fyeah:
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