Good bye all.

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Thank you everyone for making the last few nights fun which I haven't had for a while. this breaks my heart to say good bye to everyone. I must say a big fat thank to all esc members for the great times. and also thank you lager and the other senior members for giving me the trust. I will miss you all. ESC will always be a big part of me and I will wear my t-shirt I had printed by warpiggy with pride. just before I say my last good bye I need to make one thing clear.
There is no other clan and I will never game again as form  this moment, but I will pop on ts and on the forums from time to time. good bye my fellow gamer's have fun and take care. I will miss you all.
{ESC}Hudson signing out.
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I am glad i got to play the last few games with you,Im not good with good byes so it fare-well my friend to the next journey in life.It was a honor playing with you.Thank you for so many fun games.I wouldnt be lying if said i wasnt a cry baby,but even in game you grow a friendship that you will cherish the moment with and see them go is hard.But i understand things change and friends got to do what best for them.I wish you luck in your journey in life.Never know things might change and you come back to us and knife and shot No one know the future so just maybe you will be back and we will be here with open arms.Take care my fellow friend oh p.s.I'm keeping your knife lmao
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sorry you had to leave Hudson. Will talk to you later.:)
Last edited by Admin on Tue Feb 23, 2016 3:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I am sad that you leaving the ESC and take a break from playing.Life is changing,but sometimes in the wrong direction. I wish you all the best and maybe one time,we were playing together.
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As if you really know why he left, Rose.
"A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep." Saul Bellow

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Good luck, Hudson..  I hope you and your family can heal and find peace during your struggles.  A holiday is sometimes necessary from the daily dramas that force their way into our lives when we need it the least.  Take care, sweety.  xoxo  
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And on further consideration, I actually feel sorry for you, Rose. What kind of crap life have you led, that you see us so badly. Kant stated that our view of the world is seen through a lense of what we have seen before. Like dirty glasses. Your assumptions about the situation are simply false. You should read Kant. He's interesting.
"A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep." Saul Bellow

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good luck Hudson ... wish you all the best
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Sorry to see you leave just as we were getting to know each other in a more positive manner. But, I myself know that sometimes you just need a break to clear your head of the troubles that life sends you. I truly wish you the best and hope that your life endeavors are all very blessed ones. May God Bless!

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Sorry! I really did try to keep my thoughts to myself and not comment about Rose, which her name fits her perfect because she's a thorn in everyone's a$$. 
You're not happy unless you're trying to spread hate and discontent. One of these days, you will figure out that most know how you really are. You have too much time on your hands and you do nothing, but try to play people against one another and try to get them to hate each other by spreading false statements, with your two-faced ways. You need to get a life or job and leave others folks lives alone! Take a hint!
OH! Walmart is always hiring and you'll fit right in.
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