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Re: Getting Married Next Week & I Need Some Ideas!

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 2:53 am
A note with each camera: "A funny as it seems while your drinking, remember the person at the next table already took a picture of the toilet in both bathrooms and you do NOT need to take the same duplicate shot".

Nothing like paying to develop 20 cameras and having toilet shots on each one. Gee it was funny the first 10 times.....didn't you think my wedding was expensive enough?

Re: Getting Married Next Week & I Need Some Ideas!

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 3:02 pm
by {ESC}K.V
ask the reception to store some dry ice out the back and bring it out on the desert part of dinner, depending on your desert (this worked with flaming christmas pudding), it should look epic.
place dry ice in a metal sugar pot, tea pot, or something. Place it on the centre of the table.
Pour boiling water into the pot of dry ice
enjoy your desert and the magic smoke show

Re: Getting Married Next Week & I Need Some Ideas!

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 5:54 pm
by {ESC}K.V
Ok back, and Congratulations and i hope you have a fantastic day.
Now my time as a bar waiter/man at the Slieve Donard Resort and Spa, I came across some weddings, Dry weddings, wet weddings, travelling weddings, Catholic and Protesant weddings(30 bouncers...1 priest, 1 reverand. IRA and UVF...real tense.)

Whilst these aren't all table parts, they are from some of the weddings i remember.
But here are some things I enjoyed and thought was great.
Wii sports (for kids)
Hypnotists, (stealing a guy's penis (IRA UVF wedding) was hilarious, then the threats started.)
Chinese latterns/fireworks. At night every1 can set a rocket off. (recommend a specialist, 1 wedding did it themselves, women's hair went poof!)
Sports projections, tvs of a game thats on. Last present for the lucky man/men in attendance.
Charity slips. Find a charity of your choice and get some slips from them and set them on the table
Jello shot round after desert.
Costume Props- some bride put props on the table and the guests has o put them on and look like what the card said. Best one imo was the blonde girl around 27, big black glasses card said Albert eistien she looked "smart by licking her lips whilst thinking why do i know that name.)
Gift was memorable- Swedish wedding popstar and model if i recall the gift bag had bullets in it. Bullet branded Vibrators the husbands grand mother had some shock lmao)
Origami art some beautiful cranes and waterlillies which actually opened when placed in water! (from the big round Flower vase... but i think the floating candles should have gone after the water lillies...)
Helium balloons along with karoke the 3 men singing total eclipse of the heart=epic and the wee kids singing the lions sleep tonight i couldnt stop laughing.

Just some ideas, i got a couple more but i need to get back to work, if im not back you have a fantastic wedding and enjoy your day!