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Wooo-Hooo GOt my new PC

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 9:07 pm
by AsToRoTh
*jumps up n down* Finally. The cheque cleared this morning so we had a ride out to Northern Computer Markets trade show today with a list of components Id added to a custom built pc online. Anyways heres what I ended up with for £500....

Atrix 9600 Black Case
750 PSU
Asus P5N-E SLi
GForce 9800 GT PCI-E SLi (1gb model)
4gb 800mhz DDR2 Ram
500gb sata2 HDD
Q6600 2.6GHtz (8mb Cache)

and then the usual bits and bobs that come with it. Case is pretty nice for a budget one (£50-£65).. has LCD Display on front showing fan speeds,temps etc although Ive not got to grips with that yet LoL). Literally just finished installing windows and am waiting on some updates loading for bits and bobs.

Anyone know if theres any fix for XP SP3 only showing 3gb of ram when theres 4 or is it "bite the bullet and get vista time"?

Re: Wooo-Hooo GOt my new PC

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 2:00 am
by {ESC}Lager
Nice rig you got there Astro !!!!

Tug and I both use the Asus P5 mb so just ask if you have a problem. It's a great mb, you gotta love those heat sinks.

There is no fix for the 3g limit in XP at this time. I have 4g's and it only shows as 3.25. I would still stay with XP.
Some members here use Vista and say they have no problems, but when they play COD4, they have problems. Not huge problems but just some pita stuff.
I think XP is a better choice at this point (Flappy agrees) for a gaming computer. I know this will spark a debate but thats ok.

Speaking of have a machine that will run it just fine so I hope you give it a try (I'll bet you'll love it).


Re: Wooo-Hooo GOt my new PC

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 4:39 am
by {ESC}Mikey
Sweet AstoRoth ...

Specs look nice :bravo2:

Re: Wooo-Hooo GOt my new PC

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 6:21 am
by LordGleedo
Good - now get cod4 so i can blow you up :)

Re: Wooo-Hooo GOt my new PC

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 6:43 am
by AsToRoTh
Well, I was hoping I could talk the missus into getting them too... but as I managed to spend £900 yesterday on other various bits and bobs (not all on the pc) shes a bit reluctant. Just gotta wait for my cheque coming through from that TV interview and then its game shopping time LoL. Atm Im dling a copy of CoD4 (I know you dont agree with this zero) but on a strictly try before I buy basis. If I like CoD4 I will play online... and in order to do so I will purchase a retail copy. In the meantime its basically a trial run to see how far I can amp up the settings on that. On my wish list now are (for the moment)

The last 2 mainly cos Ive been desperate to get my hands on em just to see the beauty that is UEngine3 LoL... Players or no players.. Ill end up getting UT3 cos Im an Unreal whore.

Re: Wooo-Hooo GOt my new PC

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 6:52 am
by LordGleedo
AsToRoTh wrote:The last 2 mainly cos Ive been desperate to get my hands on em just to see the beauty that is UEngine3 LoL... Players or no players.. Ill end up getting UT3 cos Im an Unreal whore.
If you wanna see what that engine can do, i would suggest Gears of War :cheers:

Re: Wooo-Hooo GOt my new PC

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 6:58 am
by AsToRoTh
I heard the editor is funky in GoW tho.... might still give it a whirl tho cos Kanthams maps over on BuF look pretty damn awesome.

Re: Wooo-Hooo GOt my new PC

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 10:28 am
by Admin
u can buy UT3 for about 10 dollars now!!

Yea man get on and lets kick som ebutt!!!

Re: Wooo-Hooo GOt my new PC

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 10:57 am
by {ESC}Tater-Salad
{ESC}BlackRose wrote:u can buy UT3 for about 10 dollars now!!

Yea man get on and lets kick som ebutt!!!
10 dollars is 20 dollars to much for UT3. Damn you Epic give me my money back!!!!

Re: Wooo-Hooo GOt my new PC

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 3:29 pm
by {ESC}Terminator
dont get gears of war get gears of war 2!!!!!!