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Hey look here's an old name......

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 8:55 am
by {ESC}~Necromancer~
Ok so I got into this clan and was expecting to play UT2K4 and some COD4 and just have a blast with all of you. I got too for a bit and then one computer problem led to another and then BAM my hard drive quit on me and I'm using Vio's 2nd hard drive right now that doesn't have anything on it. When I went to try and find out UT game to install it well that was gone. When I asked where the COD4 game was to install that I found that it was broken in half. <sigh> The only other 2 games that I had left were The Sims 2 and WoW to install. Well since this is a really old hard drive and it didn't have much space for both games I had to choose 1 (wanted it to be cod4 .... boooo) so I decided on WoW. It's a good game and I have a ton of characters but I miss some good ole shootemups.

Needless to say that yeah I'm a World of Weirdcrackhead and haven't even opened an email in like forever. So I saw that I got an email from ESC on a PM and decided I needed to come around and let everyone know what's going on. So I don't have UT and I don't have COD4 or 5.

I am however back into the swing of trying to find a job. I got my Registered title back on my Medical Assistant and going to try and get a job going in the lab drawing blood at one of the hospitals near by. Hopefully it won't take too long because I need to do something besides stare at a computer screen all day. Vio got shafted from his job once the season started again and hasn't been able to find anything so things have been extremely tight on just his unemployment. The kids are doing fine. Jeremiah will be going into 7th grade this year, Brieanna has to repeat 1st grade because she didn't like to bring home her homework last year and we couldn't help her study....booo.....and Gavin is a holy terror getting into everything going thru the terrible 2's starting when he was about 15 months. Now he's almost 19 months and I think my hair is turning grey.

Well that's my update for now. I'll try to let you all know how things are going from time to time and maybe once I start working I'll be able to join you in the COD5 ranks.

Re: Hey look here's an old name......

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 10:53 am
by {ESC}Lager
Nice to hear from you again Necky !!!!

I hope everything works out well for you and your family.


Re: Hey look here's an old name......

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 12:58 pm
by {ESC}Headcase
Long time no see.
Glad to see everyone is in good health.
Hope to frag ya soon.

Re: Hey look here's an old name......

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 6:38 pm
by Admin
Hey nice to see you,,you know we could have told you naming him GAVIN was a bad idea!!LOLOLOL

Re: Hey look here's an old name......

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 5:16 am
by {ESC}Mikey
Glad to hear from you Necro ...

I hope All goes well with the Job market for you all.

Thankx for the update

Re: Hey look here's an old name......

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 8:14 am
by {ESC}Doc Gavage
whats wrong with Gavin?

ok well now come to think of it the kid is doomed to life of beer,sport and games.

actually come to think of it whats wrong with Gavin?

oh dear Docs oldtimers kicking in again.


p.s still trying to get computer repaired.

Re: Hey look here's an old name......

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 1:48 pm
by LordGleedo
{ESC}Doc Gavage wrote:p.s still trying to get computer repaired.
Eh?! Whats happened to your pc now Gav? :o

Hi Necro! :willynilly: