Flamingo MIA for an unknown amount of time

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{ESC} Flamingo
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Joined: Mon May 24, 2010 12:59 am
Location: Colorado Springs, CO

Hey all,

Just got done reformatting my comp and loading everything back on. It's nice howuch faster my computer is now without all the useless crap I had on it! Unfortunately, I can't seem to find my cd key for modern warfare :( so I won't be on obviously. I can't afford a new game at the moment either so it looks like I'm screwed there. I do however still have Bad Company 2 and World at War so I'll be on those for the time being.
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So sorry to hear that Flamingo :tears:

Maybe some of us can hoist a CodWaW zombie match :chaingun:
If you are not dieing you are not playing
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