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I am Detonator, Im new to the forums and I've been playing on ESC servers for about 1 month or a little bit longer than that mostly on the zombie servers. I love it, and i enjoy playing on them and meeting new people. I am from Virginia, USA and i am currently in college studying Computer Science and trying to have fun while i still can.
I was invited to join ESC by {ESC}Master, he is a good friend. I am looking forward to meeting more of you as i play on ESC servers.
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Even though I am not a ESC member(I want to be) I believe that Detonator is a great choice for a new ESC member. He is always very courteous, understanding, and is a team player! I support his entry to ESC!
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Welcome to the forums Detonator. Looking forward to seeing you in game. :]
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Welcome Det, glad to see you on forum and your info, Yep i invited you because you are nice person and noob lol!

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Welcome Detonator!!!

It was nice to meet you tonight ingame and on TS. You seem like a really cool guy and if you listen to the advise from your sponsers I'm sure things will
work out fine.

CYA soon !!!!

:chaingun: :chaingun: :chaingun:

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Welcome Detonator

Hope to cya in game :chaingun:
If you are not dieing you are not playing
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Thanks everyone for the warm welcomes, i am also looking forward to playing with all of you.
Thanks Grey for the kind words, you are a nice person and just as helpful and a team player as I am.
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Welcome to the forums Det. I look forward to meeting you soom. :hugs:
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To become a Elite Sniper Corps member a player must be invited by one of our members to submit a application.

The member who invites you will become your sponsor and will mentor you so you fully understand what is expected of a {ESC} member.

The best way to get a invite is to be active on our gameservers, forums and teamspeak. Skill is not important. We are just looking for those players who we feel would be a good fit with our clan and respect our rules.

We require all new applicants to join teamspeak at least once so we can verify your age and answer any questions you may have.

Please do not hound our members for a invite however a brief inquiry ingame is never a problem.
If you are a member of another clan and are wearing clan tags, a invite to join will not be coming your way. We respect all other clans and never try to recruit their members.

The whole process can take 3 or 4 weeks however the {ESC} admins will occasionally "fasttrack" a player who they know very well. A fasttracked player could have a vote put up for our members in a matter of days.

Thank you for your interest in our clan and we wish you good gaming!!
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Thanks BlackRose, but Master already told me that yesterday, but it does not hurt to be refreshed with that information. I appreciate you trying to help me, and your doing a good job.
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