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Sorry to be a rag, but I am really bothered that Lane accused me of hopping in game chat. I have never cheated in any game & maybe its because Im sick as a dog right now & have a low tolerance, but I did NOT hop & never have. I didnt even know what hopping was till COD. Further more, I always jump up when throwing a nade for elevation, & if thats hopping I will stop. I jump up as I throw a nade.
I wouldnt care if he hadnt typed it during the game & made me look like a cheat!
Just wanted to clear the air with that. It really bothered me!
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Hey izzy! Sorry to hear your distress. You've been a regular on our server long enough where most of us know you well. I hop all the time to throw nades long distance and it isn't against the rules. It's only bad when you hop around to avoid getting shot. Lane is a great guy and a very passionate one at that, so I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding. We've been getting our share of unwelcome guests in the server lately, so Lane is probably on edge. Love having you in our servers and hope you are feeling better.
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Thanks Bunny. Its prob cause Im sick & irritable, lol!! I just didnt like the public accusation, and yes I know Lane is a good guy. Maybe hes made cause the nade I launched blew him up : ) Sorry for being whiney!!
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hopping doesn't even imply cheating.
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hey izzy!
We love to having you on our server!
Lane is a cool guy =]
Last edited by {ESC}Master on Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Oh I know it doesnt imply cheating but it implies crappy game play. : )
And ty Master!
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Izzy i old lane as soon as he said something that i have been playing with u th last year on the serer and u have never hopped once on me so i don't believe that was the case at all and i even told him that u was prob. throwing a nade hell o it for every nade i throw so i would look like a rabbit out there when i have my nade spam kit. We love having u in our server and look forward to many more great games to come. Hope u get to feeling better i don't like to kill sick people :dance: :)
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Lane I will not defend myself here. This is a game & I dont even play that well & probably never will. I always have the most deaths. The only thing I am good at here is unfreezing my teammates. No one said u were there, its an assumption since thats where people go when they spawn. I always nade down that alley. & as I said I jump when I throw the nade most of the time. Ive always liked playing with you, you have a funny personality, but accusing me ingame chat was wrong. You've played with me since you came on the server & you know how I play, sucky as it is. I dont whine, hack, hop or anything else. Just die alot!
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Hiya izzy,
Don't let it bother you, I jump when throwing nades too.. I can understand how happend on that map.. I forget the name of the map, but it's the smallest one on the server.

P.S. Tell Lane to SIT! the next time you freeze him... :sit

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Consider the alternative to NOT hopping when throwing nade......blow myself up everytime! But then I usually throw it against a wall, miss the door or window....You're both respected players - things happen from time to time - but it's only a game. Both of you call in an airstrike on each other and call a treuce...... :grandpa:
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