*NEW* Blog page about games, game industry, and such

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In lieu of actually building a webpage responsible for honest reporting/reviews of new PC games. I've set up a blogpage for the time being. eventually this will turn into a full fledge webpage with the goal of bringing honest reviews and news related to the PC game industry to the players.

Link -> http://jaded-gamer-skyydragonn.blogspot.com/

Feel free to read/comment/subscribe!

For the last few years I've been studying the game industry and its goings on. Over that time I've grown digusted with the publisher driven media related to gaming. its ahrd to find honest reviews that score games honestly due to thier reliance on publishers granting them early access or preview rights based on whether the preview will be good (bad reviews/previews aren't allowed to publish pre-release.) And i feel its time someone stood up and took the industry to task on its own BS!
As the blog grows and as I have time i've set upa domain name that will (in the future) host a sister site with multiple authors/reviews/tech gurus. A site BY PC gamers FOR PC gamers. No more industry shoveled drivel hooray!
Anywho check it out and leave a comment. I'll be posting a new blogpost tonight as well!
I Will find you.


*NEW* Blog about and for gaming and related topics.

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Hey Myth,
I signed up as a follower. Best of luck and waiting to see your next review. Now show me some games.
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Well I cant become a follower, but maybe we can put a link on the forum somewhere, get you a bit of added attention? :)
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can u add Facebook to follow you
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ESC Member
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Location: My Living room

{ESC}BlackRose wrote:can u add Facebook to follow you
Must I? i've avidly avoided touching facebook for so long :p

We'll see who it goes if it generates enough traffic i'll see about attaching it to a facebook profile.
I Will find you.


*NEW* Blog about and for gaming and related topics.

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