Quake Soundtrack by NIN

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Redneck Commander
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for those who played the original Quake, here is the entire soundtrack that was composed by Trent Reznor of NIN that would play in the background as you went thru the different worlds and levels.

imagine playing this AWESOME FPS by ID late at night, lights down low, room lit buy your 13" CRT monitor, headphones on and volume turned up..
defiantly put your nerves on edge for the game heh

Quake was the FPS that hooked me into gaming, i hope others have had the pleasure of enjoying it as i have.











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brings back memories
doom is what got me hooked. but quake II got a disgustingly large chunk of my life.
the call of duty series was pretty much the nail in the coffin.
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:fyeah: Quake 1 was the first one I played online in about 1998. My brother had it running on a 56k modem through heat.net. I was hooked by the competition of real players. Shortly thereafter in 2001 Return To Castle Wolfenstein came out which was one of my ALL time favorite games. then ET came out for free and ruined the RTCW original community when they all left to go play that crap. Then came COD1, COD UO, COD2, and COD4, all of which I spent way too much time playing lol. and of course BF42 and Desert Combat and BF2 (I always loved the aircraft) Although EA has always had glitchy and kinda crappy FPS "on foot" gameplay with those games. CoD4 has by far become one of my favorites. It was so well balanced with good selection of perks and open to mods. I still remember blowing people up with rockets in the House of Chthon, back in the quake days. and who can forget triple-nailgun quad damage rapeage! it was like a hose of death.

and speaking of old soundtracks I found this to listen to at work:

http://www.youtube.com/user/NESSNESMAST ... vlw_TXI8WE
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