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Worried about Obamacare..........

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 1:49 am
by {ESC}Sniperchic
I am not sure if this is the right spot for this.
but Aunt and uncle have jsut put out there first book. ... 002&sr=1-1

it is about health care, then, now and if obama gets his way. anyone may be interested... follow the link i posted.

thanks! :hugs:


Re: Worried about Obamacare..........

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 2:27 pm
by {ESC}Pappy
For those who may not know who Marcus Welby, MD is, or have to be nearly as old as ME to remember......
I'm just saying.....

Re: Worried about Obamacare..........

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 3:28 pm
by ScRiPt3r
{ESC}Pappy wrote:For those who may not know who Marcus Welby, MD is, or have to be nearly as old as ME to remember......
I'm just saying.....


i used to watch that when i was a kid, so what are you saying about my age Pappy?

that, emergency, quincy, columbo, ironside, the streets of san francisco, adam-12..

the list goes on, wonder how many will know the ones to which i refer..


Re: Worried about Obamacare..........

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 5:37 pm
by Feral Midget
I am not worried about "Obamacare". Health care in the US shoud have been nationalized a long time ago. Insurance companies are a parasitic middle-man run by people who get rich off our illnesses.

This will probably piss off our more conservatove members, but health care should be free for any US citizen, as should college education (for anybody who can maintain the grades). Is that socialism? Oh well. :rantonoff:

Re: Worried about Obamacare..........

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:32 pm
{ESC}ScRiPt3r wrote:
{ESC}Pappy wrote:For those who may not know who Marcus Welby, MD is, or have to be nearly as old as ME to remember......
I'm just saying.....


i used to watch that when i was a kid, so what are you saying about my age Pappy?

that, emergency, quincy, columbo, ironside, the streets of san francisco, adam-12..

the list goes on, wonder how many will know the ones to which i refer..


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Re: Worried about Obamacare..........

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 8:02 am
by MikZzona
{ESC}Feral Midget wrote:This will probably piss off our more conservatove members, but health care should be free for any US citizen, as should college education (for anybody who can maintain the grades). Is that socialism? Oh well. :rantonoff:
Is "socialist" still an insult in 2011 ? :popcorn:

Re: Worried about Obamacare..........

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 9:25 am
by {ESC}Ping
:iagree: with Mike...

Re: Worried about Obamacare..........

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 12:25 pm
by Feral Midget
{ESC}MikZzona wrote:
{ESC}Feral Midget wrote:This will probably piss off our more conservatove members, but health care should be free for any US citizen, as should college education (for anybody who can maintain the grades). Is that socialism? Oh well. :rantonoff:
Is "socialist" still an insult in 2011 ? :popcorn:
In the US it is. Mention socialism in a positive way in front of a Republican "believer" and you will get trounced on.

Permit me to step on my soapbox for a moment.

There is an irrational fear of socialism here that is ingrained in us from birth. Americans are taught that socialism = communism = slavery. Funny thing is, most Americans are completely unaware they are already benefitting from socialism (Social Security, unemployment benefits, distribution of state and federal taxes to school districts). I wouldn't want the US to be a completley socialist country -capitalism, carefully controlled, is a good thing - but health care and higher education are two places where I'd start implementing it.

Re: Worried about Obamacare..........

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 12:55 pm
by MikZzona
Ok thanks for the precision Feral - For some reason I thought that that hate of socialism in the US had sort of faded away

Well I might want to reconsider my plans of moving to the USA in two years then, don't want to end up hanging at the end of a rope because of that :read: :hugs:

Re: Worried about Obamacare..........

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 1:29 pm
by {ESC}UDClown
hes not going to get Obamacare durring this term (even though he said he would), hes going to wait until the presidential election and 'use' this as his way into a 2nd term. which personally (Hence im 18 now) I'm not voting for him... he hasnt done much because he can't get people in the gov on his side, so he probably won't get much done in the 2nd term either. He's talked all this stuff about getting things done right... but not one of them have gone through. Just my honest opinion.