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Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 6:13 am
by {ESC}Ocho
ok i know i know that for a long time i have always argued that if you think im cheating then i must be doing something right. but.... there is always a but isnt? ... well let me tell you that i do get annoyed by people telling me that im a cheat. and im not talking about my friends from ESC that tell me that i hack because i know they dont mean it.(because i will come back and knife their ass if they did) but from other people that are not even familiar with the way i play... l DO NOT CHEAT. but i do not have the power to defend myself and it gets annoying to hear from people about it. :rantonoff: :rantonoff: :rantonoff: :rantonoff: :rantonoff: this is just a rant about people calling me a cheat.... not about my friends calling a cheat..... how do you know if u r my friend? well... let me tell u... are you wearing an ESC tag? have i ever nagged, played around, bitched or joked around with you? i mean have i ever??? if u have ever joked around with the ESC crowd.... then u are ok because I am ESC'... and i will stand before that tag. other than that u can not call me a cheat.....if u insist then we can organize a tournament between me and YOU with all the punkbusters and cheat bots that we can get just to show you that i can slice your ass at any time....or i might just shoot u if i have to... sorry..... im I being too loud? i will shut up now.......

Re: cheating

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 6:49 am
by {ESC}Doc Gavage
Hey Ocho
It clearly states when you join the game
no accusing people of cheating,So they really should know better.

i suggest you just log the offenders and send in a pm to the HR hit squad to get them banned,just state if they have done it more than once etc.

By the way how did you shoot me from the othee side of the map and through 6 steel walls the other day ???? lol :) :) :) :) :) :)


Re: cheating

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 7:06 am
by {ESC}Ocho
wait wait i do not want people banned... why would i want people banned? all i wanted was for them to know that i will be after their ass with my rusty knife!!!! lol and did i mention that i love everyone?!!!!

Re: cheating

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 10:49 am
by {ESC}UDClown
I know how you feel, Ocho. I've proved my skills cross-game, yet still someone 'thinks' I could be cheating.

It does get annoying when someone find poor excuses to call you a cheat, IF They could see what you did, and how. they would understand, but no... they don't understand so what do they do? They call you a cheat.

Re: cheating

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 11:24 am
by {ESC}zeno
all {ESC} are B3 moderators.
!warn <name> [<warning>]
Level 20
Scope Public
warn user

at least when ocho's around no one bothers looking at me funny, they're too busy watching their backs. :willynilly:

Re: cheating

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 12:04 pm
by {ESC}Betty_Boop
I know how you feel, Ocho. I've been banned from the fourDeltaOne MW2 sites TWICE for supposedly using an aimbot. Srsly??!! Just take a look at my pathetic stats and that should speak volumes.

I am guilty of calling you names, though cheat isn't one of them....Troll, pain in the ass, Troll....did I mention Troll??? LOL..oh yeah, and bestage. Heck, if you knife me, like you did yesterday, I figured I deserved it for being a dumbass.

I am sorry that you are frustrated. Believe me I share your pain and I wish I was a grade A hacker so I could put those loud mouth whiners in a dress in game.

Boops :geek:

Re: cheating

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 2:03 pm
by {ESC}CheVy
This is funny ...............I never get called a cheater!!!!!! and thats just not fair :coffee_spray: :toetap:

Re: cheating

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 2:41 pm
by {ESC}Tater-Salad
{ESC}CheVy wrote:This is funny ...............I never get called a cheater!!!!!! and thats just not fair :coffee_spray: :toetap:
Poor Chevy he cheats at cheating so it nullifies itself. :)

Re: cheating

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 3:22 pm
by Zoe
You a cheater??? :)

When anybody calls you a cheater, take it as a compliment and be happy cause it only means that they are jealous.

Ocho you can't be a cheater.. I kill you too often.. :D

I would only suspect people with a higher ratio... like zeno and PMS!! These hacks are so annoying!! I hate them!! :fight :lol: :lol:
Don't tell them... otherwise they would know that I'm bloody envious... :shhh:

Re: cheating

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 3:38 pm
by Admin
but i do not have the power to defend myself WHAT!!!
you have a mouth to defend yourself,,of course controlled,,yea send them to me,,ill deal with them,,if its the same ppl all the time,,you know who those are,,lolol,,there not worth it, but it is a rule,, NEVER LEAVE THE SERVER BECAUSE OF IT! tell them to shut up and stop complaining!!
Ive been called a hacker,,that was one of the funniest and proadest moments ever in game!!!HAHAHAHAHAH