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Accomodation in NYC

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 1:02 pm
by MikZzona

Nothing is certain yet, FAR from it, but I started looking for a 2 months internship in New York City, in January and February. Apart from the intership itself, the main challenge is to find a place to sleep... Before looking on the Internet and getting ripped off for I will not be able to visit the apartments, I wanted to ask here if anyone knew of a small place, a studio or some house-sharing, that might be available during these two months. Either inside NYC or in the suburbs, as long as it's not too expansive.. Or if one of you that live in that area has a free spot in the garage to put a blanket? :mrgreen:

Also I might as well ask this ; I am looking for an internship in the audiovisual sector, the best would be as an assistant producer in a cinema or TV production company - there are plenty of offers online, but if some of you know people working in that sector, well if it's not too much can I please ask you to give me some contact info ?

Thanks very much :hatsoff:


Re: Accomodation in NYC

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 1:04 pm
by Admin
bunny just moved out of NY to california!!
I believe treetah is in that same line of work