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{ESC} Tournament

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 2:08 am
by {BHF}Dirk
Hey all, just wanted to extend a heart felt thank you to ESC for hosting a tournament and having {BHF} involved. Our guys/girls had a blast and really appreciate your community. Hope we can continue our friendship with you all for years to come!! :bravo2: Cheers to {ESC}


Re: {ESC} Tournament

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 4:29 am
by MikZzona
Hey Dirk, you're welcome mate it's a pleasure to have you guys around! You are a great crowd to play with and we have no doubt that many experiences and events are to be shared between our two clans.

However the tourney is not over yet, you guys still have a couple more games this incoming weekend, and possibly more after these. Do you -or rather Hawk- still have the planning I sent you? Otherwise I'll send you another one

Re: {ESC} Tournament

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 12:12 pm
by Admin
always awesome to play with you guys!!!! I know ill be shooting you for a long time!!!hahahaha

Re: {ESC} Tournament

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 4:05 pm
by {BHF}Dirk
Thanks for the kind words. Yeah Mik I believe Hawk has the info for up comming. I will double check with him and make sure he contacts you if not. Cheers again.

Re: {ESC} Tournament

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 9:46 pm
by {ESC}Amoniac
Thanks Dirk sir is a blast to have you in our home and tournament sir i enjoy a lot to play with a few BHF bc i think i dont play with all , i hope someday habve the pleasure to play at your home.
black is amazing you and melinator are just great players and thaw a lot i like the way blackhawk plays is something that i want to do but off course i sucks

anyway for me is and honor to play a lot of fun and always make me felt awesome BHF is
goooooooooooooooodiiiiiieeee sir

cya at server