and now for something......

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Talk about trying to cram 10 pounds of shit into a 5 pound bag! Well maybe the actual per pound ratio is a little higher, but you get the point.
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I would like to personally apologize to all the employers out there for the amount of time that will be wasted by our fans studying this pic for hours. I can’t stop looking at it and I’ve thrown up twice. So while it’s thunder thighs here that is to blame, I will take the responsibility….for the wasted time, not your vomit. That part is on you.
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It takes some serious balls to look like this!….Hair balls people! Get your mind out of the gutter!
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What’s up there buff daddy? I hate to break it to you, but it won’t take a spotter to see that hot pink thong you got on.
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Oh God! What is that, Sauron’s eye?!? It looks so angry! I guess that literally is a butt-hole, and none of us can unsee this ever!
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Holy CRAP batman! And I had actually considered being a Walmart greeter when I retired - I think NOT!! :)

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I hate you Rose.. I have to sleep at some point and I'm deathly afraid to turn out the lights now..
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{ESC}Pappy wrote:Holy CRAP batman! And I had actually considered being a Walmart greeter when I retired - I think NOT!! :)

i thought Mayberry had the greeter thing covered.. WAIT A SEC.. was Mayberry the photographer here?

think of all the photo ops you will miss if you don't follow thru on that career path, pappy!

OMG.. my eyes...

:) :) :) :) :)
remember: It's ALL good.
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(quietly) fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap......~ahh.....
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{ESC}Bunny wrote:(quietly) fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap......~ahh.....
:doh: my god bunny lolll
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