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Hi, a few of our members have mentioned you guys in our forums so just thought i would drop in and say hello.
You seem to have made a great impression with the freeze tag server and the members here, i have heard nothing but good things ...

Just thought i would say hello and look at the possibility of maybe arranging some matches.

You guys are more than welcome at our site also
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Hey Raven, welcome to our forums!

Several of your members have become regulars on our server indeed, and have always been great guys to play with. We would love to have some events and rumbles organised with you guys sometime soon, I am in charge of matches here so send me a PM with whatever dates would suit you, and we can see how to make it happen together.

Just registered on your site, awaiting administrator approval - very nice website I must say!

See you soon mate
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Hi Raven welcome to the forums and do me a favor and tell Roy and ishot Hi for me
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hello and welcome,,,glad thy have as much fun as we do!!!
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Welcome to our forums:

It's always nice to have other clans around our servers, and you guys are no exeption! It's also nice to hear our server and members are well received, hang around for a while, and you'll meet more of 'm great guys! ;D

Hope to get an oppertunity to freeze you soon!
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Cool Cool i will try and push Roy to approve your forum appl but he is notoriously slow with these things lol

Pimp i will certainly pass on your message to Roy and Ishot

Makes a nice change talkin with people who aint complete muppets lol...

Will drop in on the freeze tag server in the next couple of days...

Come chat with us on TeamSpeak
Server ip and port
Password is either gbrclan or clangbr
I have the memory of a goldfish lol

Thanx for the welcomes :)
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Dang I gotta get back into some freezetag play. I'm missing out on all the good times with new faces. Nice to see ya here Raven and am glad that you are having a great time. Hope to game with you soon.
Clays love me too much
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Hello Raven Thank you very much for the kind words.

Game on or was it Off ... oh poop I forget.
If you are not dieing you are not playing
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